School Performance and Inspection
The school was inspected most recently by Ofsted in June 2023 and by SIAMS in October 2024. The published reports can be downloaded using the links below:
Our headline performance measures in 2024 were:
Attainment 8 score: 47.8 (Lancashire average 44.9)
Progress 8 score: +0.06 (Lancashire average -0.11)
Percentage of students achieving Grade 5 or above in English and Maths: 45% (Lancashire average 44%)
EBacc average points score: 4.21 (Lancashire average 3.91).
Progress 8 score: +0.06 (Lancashire average -0.11)
Percentage of students achieving Grade 5 or above in English and Maths: 45% (Lancashire average 44%)
EBacc average points score: 4.21 (Lancashire average 3.91).
Our Progress 8 figure is the highest for any school in Fylde and Wyre.
Further details regarding Saint Aidan’s in the Performance Tables produced by the Department of Education can be found here:
Saint Aidan’s Church of England High School – Compare school and college performance data in England – GOV.UK (
Saint Aidan’s Church of England High School – Compare school and college performance data in England – GOV.UK (
Parents’ Views
Views of our parents, as reported to Ofsted can be viewed here:
We would encourage all our parents to express their views to Ofsted, which can be done by following this link: