Transition Overview

What exactly is “Transition”?

Transition is the name given to the move from one stage in education to the next. That could be Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3. It could also mean Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5. But here it is about the process of students moving from their primary school, coming up to high school, Saint Aidan’s.

Why is it so important?

It is a big step for any child leaving an establishment where they are very familiar with all the routines, expectations and teachers.

Friends may be going to different high schools and there is that understandable fear of being “on my own”.

Going to a much bigger school that not only has a vast amount of students but also many more buildings and teachers can be daunting for even the most confident young person.

Children can often feel anxious about fitting in to a new environment and being able to cope with all the changes they encounter.

There is concern nationally about a “dip” in progress during transition. It is very important that we make sure this does not happen, ensuring our students make progress straight away.

So, what do we do to ensure transition is exciting, challenging and meaningful?

We have a whole range of strategies and initiatives in place that address the complex process of transition.

Transition begins with our transition teacher visiting children in their primary schools, once SATs exams have finished.  Children have the opportunity to ask questions about the process of transition and the school routines.

In July, children and parents are then invited into school for Induction Evening. They are taken on a tour of the school and important information is given. Children receive a transition booklet which they should complete over the holidays and return to their form tutor in September.

The following day, children come to school for the full day. This is Induction day. They enjoy sampling a range of lessons and a school dinner!

Pre-start afternoon is in September. Our new year 7 students join us for the afternoon, before other year groups return after the summer. They meet their form tutors, other members of their form and their classmates.

Transition doesn’t end once your child starts in September. Our transition teacher is available for support for the duration of Year 7. PSHE lessons will focus on transition and big life changes. Lunchtime clubs will be available to support with building new friendships and our transition teacher will provide intervention teaching, where appropriate.

We regularly review our process and are constantly looking for ways in which it may be improved further.

To see what these are, please look at the information on the other transition sub-headings.

We believe that it is our responsibility and duty to develop and encourage in all our students:

  • An enthusiasm for learning
  • Confidence in themselves as learners
  • A real sense of achievement and purpose
  • A sense of being safe and valued by everyone else in the school

Events and Courses

From the very first day of Year 7, parents are fully involved. They are invited to come along with their child to Induction Evening. A programme is designed to familiarise parents and children with the school environment, staff and the expectations of students.

Parents will be given the opportunity to meet with their child’s form tutor on Pre-start afternoon.

Various events are held throughout the year. The Family Challenge Evening has always been very popular and created intense competition between families as they work together to win challenges such as “The Great Egg Drop” or “Sand Yacht Racing.” It is activities such as these that contribute to the successful partnerships we all value greatly.

Virtual Tour