One of Jesus’ final acts on earth was to give his disciples the ‘Great Commission’ – to spread the word across all lands and all nations. We’ve given our students in Year 7 their own commission: to raise as much money as possible for our link missionaries, Lex and Alan. We have supported the work of Lex and Alan in South-East Asia for the last five years and intend to do so again in 2022-23. Our students were told about the work that Lex and Alan do with schools, the homeless and the needy as well as the stark comparison in life expectancy, education and basic amenities between Cambodia and the UK. Each student was given a Smarties pack and told to ‘go, eat and then fill with coins.’ All money raised will go to support the work of Lex and Alan. Hopefully, when the money is sent, we’ll be able to catch up with Lex and Alan via a video call live in one of the Summer worships.

Alan, Lex and family.

Lex at work.