On Monday 25th November, the RE department welcomed the Hinduism Education Services into school to run a day of interactive workshops with Year 7. Our students were given the opportunity to immerse themselves in Indian and Hindu culture ranging from traditional dances, chanting and even dressing up in saris and turbans! The day finished with a special Hindu wedding ceremony where we experienced the different rituals of a Hindu wedding.
The workshops were a great way for students to learn from people who live the religion every day, and to bring the religion to life through the magnificent colours, smells, and costumes! Thank you to the Hinduism Education Services for a great day.
Here’s what some of our Year 7 students said about the day:
“I really enjoyed it all! I liked when we got to do a traditional dance with sticks and the wedding was fun because we got to make funny noises with our mouths to welcome the bride!” Yvie Bennett, N3
“On Monday 25 November, we had our Hinduism day, the person running it was called Krishna. She taught us about the Hindu gods, the dances, the clothing and so much more! Near the end, we had a fake arranged Hindu marriage. The bride walked in and sat behind a blanket, then the groom dismounted his horse and sat on the other side of the blanket. The blanket was then moved and the groom began to introduce himself.” Daniel Little, K6
“I really enjoyed the day since it allowed me to look at a different culture/religion.
My highlights of the day were dressing up as a Hindu in a sari, dancing with sticks and watching the mock Hindu wedding at the end. Thank you for giving me this opportunity” Niamh Penketh, K4
“On Hinduism Day we got to experience different parts of the Hindu religion. This included getting to participate in different activities like dressing up in traditional clothing and observe the beautiful divas lit for the festival of light, Diwali. The day let us have a glimpse of what Hindu life is like” George Coureau, K5