This month Miss Smith and Form N8 have run a variety of activities throughout school to raise awareness for World Down Syndrome Day. The events kicked off with our energy filled Year 7 & 8 Interhouse Football Tournament, followed by the creativity of our Crazy Sock Competition. The fabulous designs decorated our Refectory on Friday 21st, World Down Syndrome Day. Finally, thanks to sponsorship from local businesses, The Hindquarter and A&G Precisions, Miss Smith organised for Blackpool Tower to be illuminated in blue and yellow, the recognised colours for the day.

Several members of form N8, students, staff and the local Down Syndrome community, met on the comedy carpet to celebrate the day and raise awareness. As Miss Smith said, “It has been a brilliant month of celebration, so many people have taken part in our activities, sharing our talents and support for a fantastic cause. Thank you to everyone involved.”

School SENDCo, Mrs Cross, said “It has been fantastic to see our school community raising awareness and embracing our differences. Well done to Form N8 and Miss Smith!”