On Tuesday 13th December, there was a fun day out for all the Year 7 students. First, we went to the pantomime. There were three buses and we all got put into different groups. The buses left at 12pm and we arrived at the Blackpool Grand Theatre at 1pm. As we went inside, we were escorted upstairs to the Grand Circle. The play was Sleeping Beauty and included Steve Royle who played the ‘fool’ Silly Billy. The show was getting lots of giggles out of all the schools who were there.
In the first act, it was all about Princess Rose’s life and how she met a charming Prince who she would marry. There were many songs in this half and they allowed us to sing along and even sprayed water at us at one point! As the safety curtain came down, we had a 15 minute interval where we enjoyed ice cream and snacks and waited for the second act!
The second act was about how the evil fairy killed the Princess with her magic spinning wheel but also how she put spells on the characters for this to happen! They also picked a random person in the audience called Craig and gave him a special button to press if he saw something major/exciting happen. Craig pressed the button when the Princess died, so confetti cannons went off and dancers ran onto the stage to do a dance! It was hilarious! At the end, they picked five primary school children to go onto stage to play and instrument and get a prize.
When we arrived at back at school, we had a bit of time to prepare before the Carol Service began at 6:30pm. There were 5 readings from the Bible and a spoken performance of The Night Before Christmas and A Christmas Carol. We sang many carols including Away in a Manger and O Little Town of Bethlehem. To finish the service, Year 7 performed Merry Christmas Everyone and Mr Smith made a speech to thank those who had put the service together and those who attended. I’m sure many people enjoyed the night and Year 7 had a fun-filled festive day!