May 2024 saw the reinstated, much loved, ‘Ready Steady Paint’ House Competition taking place in the Nancy Poole Art Suite. Prior to the event over 150 students created an A4 submission in a wide variety of materials and techniques based on the Christian values of Love, Peace, Forgiveness, Joy, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness and Gentleness. Shortlisting was a challenge due to the high quality and innovative responses. Eventually, students from each house and each year group were chosen to re-create their submission on an A2 sized art board. On the day students worked tirelessly with enthusiasm, gusto and determination to produce some amazing responses using paint, collage, pen, pencil and graphics. At the end of the day, Over Wyre Parish Priest Fr. Peter Walsh and Mrs Walsh visited the school to judge. Fr. Peter said he was amazed by the standard of creativity and the inventiveness interpreting the themes. Both judges found their role both difficult and pleasurable. Our judges spent some time chatting to the students, judging the work and decided upon the following winners:
Year 7 – Poppy Waggett – Hillary
Year 8 – Martha Stansfield – Keller
Year 9 – Jessica Mack – Hillary
Year 10 – Mia Marks – Babbage
This artwork will now be framed and exhibited in the reception area of the school. As a note of gratitude school presented all participants with Amazon vouchers and the four year group winners received an art bundle of Posca goods. Miss Brannigan, Director of Creative and Performing Arts would like to say thank you to everyone who participated in this event and also shares her appreciation for the talent of our amazing students.
One of the competitors, Year 10’s Annabelle Machin, had this to say about the experience:
The day started out amazingly. We had snacks and we were allowed to change into our painting clothes. We started by sketching out our entries; we were allowed to listen to music and just do art, which is my favourite thing to do! It was a very calm day, we all persevered throughout the day making our entries better and bigger. There was a range of different styles and concept ideas – everyone’s entries were amazing. We made sure to get the finishing touches added to our artwork before the judges came. When the judges arrived, we were able to sit on the grass outside and leave the judges to make their decisions. It felt like a long wait, but when they called us in, we all got a £5 Amazon gift card for our amazing entries and there was one winner from each year group 7-10. I loved taking part in Ready Steady Paint and I can’t wait to see the artwork around school. These will hopefully inspire others and leave a legacy with the school that we’re all proud of.