In April 2023, Year 7 started Saint Aidan’s Active Christian Ethics or ‘ACE’ Award. This award was designed by the RE Department to help students reflect on inspirational people throughout history and across the world which culminated in students doing something inspirational themselves – fundraising for a charity they are passionate about!
Year 7 had time in lessons to plan their fundraising activity and were given the task to carry it out over the summer holiday to raise as much money as possible for their chosen charity. It was a daunting task for some, to fundraise independently, but wow did they rise to the occasion! Overall, as a year group, a massive £5568.70 was raised for various charities!
The top fundraisers of the year group included:
· Evie Lawrenson who raised £1450 for various charities
· Connie Fagioli Douglas, Martha Stansfield and Emma Myerscough who raised £450 for Cancer Research UK
· Sarah Lowin and Niamh Potter who raised £419 for Trinity Hospice
· Finley Rodda who raised £328 for Cancer Research UK
Well done to everyone who fundraised. You all displayed outstanding Christian values and any amount, big or small, helps make a difference to charities and the people they help.