Pastoral Support
At Saint Aidan’s we operate a structure called the ‘Vertical Pastoral System’. This means that each form consists of approximately five students from each of the five year groups. This allows new students join a “family” who can support them from their first day in school.
Older students provide an informal contact for discussing problems ranging from organisation of homework to bullying. Year 11 students can also act as School Proctors or Officers and take on extra responsibilities in houses and faculties helping to ensure the smooth running of the school.
Form tutors stay with their forms from year to year which provides strong continuity of relationships with both students and their parents. The Head of Year provides further support and challenge in ensuring that students are safe and achieving well.
Each student also belongs to a house. The house system allows for students to take part in competitions within school (sports, art, music, cooking) as well as leading assemblies, charity work and community action. House assemblies are also held to celebrate success.
Students can earn Rewards Points in a variety of areas of school life, most commonly in contributions to lessons and the production of excellent work, but also through representing the school, house or form in a particularly pleasing manner. Students may also lose points should they earn Sanctions. Regular certificates and prizes are awarded for individuals and forms who pass certain benchmarks or are the most successful in a given week or half-term. Prizes are also available for those who make the biggest improvement over a half-term.
The Student Support Centre is managed by a team of staff including our Behaviour Manager, Pastoral Support Worker, Attendance Officer and School Chaplain. This team are available to offer guidance, assistance, help and support for students experiencing difficulties in any aspect of their school life. The Chaplaincy also offers regular Christian Union meetings and worship materials for use within forms.
The school operates a strict anti-bullying policy. All allegations of bullying are rigorously investigated by appropriate staff and dealt with swiftly and effectively. Procedures for dealing with both victims and bullies are consistent with the school’s discipline policy. All incidents are entered into the Bullying Log that is compiled and maintained by the Deputy Headteacher.