
Curriculum Statement

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 students are given the opportunity to engage with a range of different novels, plays, poems and non-fiction texts from different decades and centuries; all of which aims to broaden and challenge their reading, understanding and responses to texts. Students have the opportunity to write for different purposes and audiences. As well as this, they are encouraged to speak fluently, appropriately and confidently in a range of situations. 

Year 7

Four lessons of English a week.

Year 8

Three lessons a week.

Year 9

Four out of eight classes have three hours of English a week. Four classes have four hours of English a week. 

Please see the PDF document for an overview of the KS3 curriculum. 

KS3 Overview

Key Stage 4

All Year 10 and 11 students follow AQA GCSE English Language and Literature Specifications. These can be downloaded, using the links below:-



Students have four hours of English each week. The courses are 100% examination and assess the students’ abilities to read, understand and interpret a range of fiction and non-fiction texts from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Novels and plays they will study include ‘Blood Brothers’, ‘An Inspector Calls’, ‘Lord of the Flies’ and ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’. In addition students will study a Shakespeare play and a selection of seen and unseen poetry.

As well as this the courses in Language and Literature assess the students’ abilities to write for a range of purposes – writing to describe, narrative writing and expressing a viewpoint .

All exams will be completed at the end of Year 11. Details are below:-

  • English Language Paper 1 1 hour 45 minutes
  • English Language Paper 2 1 hour 45 minutes
  • English Literature paper 1 1 hour 45 minutes
  • English Literature Paper 2 2 hours 15 minutes

Whilst the courses are 100% examination, during Year 10 and 11, formative assessments will be completed to inform both teachers and students of current expected outcomes and levels of progress. Mock exams will be completed in Year 10 and 11.

Students will be expected to complete homework on a weekly basis. Tablets will be used in some lessons, though are not compulsory. It would also be helpful if students could purchase their own copies of the novels and plays they will study.

KS4 Overview


We run a KS3 Creative Writing Club and a Debate Club, open to all year groups.

Department Staff

Mrs C Fewson-Reeve Director of English and ITT Coordinator
Miss L Casson English Teacher, Key Stage 3 Coordinator for English
Mrs K Bray English Teacher, Assistant Headteacher
Mrs H Cross English Teacher, SENDCO
Mrs L Goodier English Teacher and Literacy Co-ordinator
Miss A Wood English Teacher
Miss H Edgar English Teacher
Mrs E Jessop English Teacher and KS2-3 Transition Teacher
Mr Greg Taylor English Teacher (Maternity Cover)

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