
Literacy Overview

Literacy is essential to all learning throughout the school, in all years and across all subject areas. At Saint Aidan’s, we know that good literacy skills across the school curriculum enable students to communicate effectively.

They allow students to become more confident in their own abilities as learners and allow each child to develop their particular skills to the highest level possible.

We are firm believers in the fundamental principle that Literacy is the key to raising standards and improving learning. We aim to produce literate students who will emerge as confident and articulate communicators.

Students will focus on developing their literacy skills across the curriculum but most explicitly within their English lessons. In Year 7 students will focus on their knowledge of punctuation, parts of speech and on spelling strategies during their fourth hour dedicated Literacy lesson. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact


Reading is a vital part of life at Saint Aidan’s. Students are encouraged to read for pleasure as much as possible. During form time, once a week, students will read during DEAR time in their forms. Forms work on a rotation swapping reading material each half term. Forms will access a range of texts during DEAR time, reading both fiction and non-fiction texts. Students will be able to develop their Culture Capital as well as reading a plethora of texts in their time at Saint Aidan’s

In subject areas teachers encourage students to read around their subject, both in lessons and for homework tasks. Students are taught explicit reading strategies and these are incorporated into lessons and help students to become confident readers in an array of subject areas.

Reading is highly valued by staff and students and a strong reading culture has been harnessed at Saint Aidan’s. Students understand the value that reading has and take up opportunities to get involved, such as our annual World Book Day competitions


Targeting vocabulary and grammar at KS3 is something else we at Saint Aidan’s are very passionate about. All students in Years 7 and 8 have access to Bedrock Vocabulary and Grammar. This is a software where students can target their vocabulary and grammar, targeting weaknesses and how to sustainably aid them in their development in these two areas.

Students are asked to spend 20-40 minutes a week on Bedrock, this is achieved through time in English lessons and through homework tasks. Please encourage your child to spend adequate time on Bedrock, their weekly time and progress is pinned to their Bedrock home screen so students and parents can easily see how they are progressing.

Sparx Reader

All students at Saint Aidan’s have access to Sparx Reader. Students will be set SRP to collect weekly as part of their English homework. Students are required to complete a Sparx Reading test where upon completing students will have access to an elibrary that is tailored to their reading ability. Sparx works by providing a passage from a novel and asking students questions on what they have read. This helps build on comprehension and retention skills. The more students read the more SRP they will earn. Students will be able to access ‘Gold Reader’ which allows them to pick their own reading book and physically read. We monitor classes and students and have weekly winners who are celebrated whole school.

Related documents

Document Name Document Updated Document Type
Spelling Strategies .pdf
Bedrock Learning .pdf
Sparx Reader Parent Slides .pdf