Personal Development

Personal Development at Saint Aidan’s is a combination of Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship education. The content is split into three strands: Health and Well-being. The Wider World and Relationship/Sex Education. It is taught through a one hour a week lesson for all students in Years 7, 9 and 11, whilst other aspects of Personal Development are covered through our Personal Development days and in various subject areas across the curriculum (Including R.E, Science, IT, Form time and Assemblies)

Our aim is that through the Personal Development programme, students are prepared for life beyond school; engaging with contemporary issues and exploring strategies to make positive choices at a personal and wider level. Students have the opportunity to work with local agencies and services, enabling them to develop the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about their health, well-being and futures lives.

All students in the school will also take part in three Personal Development days a year, where they cover all aspects of Personal Development. These days provide the opportunity for out of school visits and expert visitors into school, to support the delivery of the curriculum.

Students are offered exciting opportunities in both Key Stage 3 and 4 in relation to Personal Development: including visits to Borwick Hall, local college providers and St Oswald’s Church.

PSHE Secondary Programme Builder Overview
PSHE statutory RSE
PSHE Statutory Health

Year 7

  • Coping with Transition
  • Spirituality (including a church visit)
  • Diversity and Protected Characteristics
  • Relationship and Sex Education

Year 8

  • Leadership and Teambuilding skills
  • Visit to Borwick Hall
  • Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Diversity
  • Healthy Relationships

Year 9

  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Substance Misuse
  • Emotional Health and Well-being
  • The Criminal Justice System
  • Careers and Post 16 Choices
  • Sex and Relationships Education
  • First Aid Training

Year 10

  • Relationship and Sex Education
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Post 16 Options
  • Work Experience Preparation
  • Employability and Mock Interviews
  • Visit to College

Year 11

  • Financial Capability
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Relationship and Sex Education
  • Making Informed Choices
  • Post-16 options
  • Managing Stress and Anxiety
  • Revision and study skills